Home Reference Source Test


import Server from './source/Server';

const server = new Server();

describe('Scheme validator',  () => {
     * @test {IPv4}
    it('IP v4',  () =>
        (() => server.IPv4 = '').should.throw(
            new SyntaxError('"IPv4" of Server should be an IPv4 address')

     * @test {IPv6}
    it('IP v6',  () => {

        (() => server.IPv6 = '2001:DB8:2de::10000').should.throw(
            new SyntaxError('"IPv6" of Server should be an IPv6 address')

        (() => server.IPv6 = '::ffff:').should.throw(
            new SyntaxError('"IPv6" of Server should be an IPv6 address')

     * @test {HTTP_URL}
    it('HTTP URL',  () =>
        (() => server.URL = 'http://test:[email protected]:65536').should.throw(
            new URIError('"URL" of Server should be a HTTP URL')