'use strict';
* Test Example - A JSDoc plugin for generating Test scripts by parsing @example
* @module {object} test-example
* @version 0.4.2 (2018-1-29)
* @see {@link https://techquery.github.io/test-example|Offical Web site}
* @copyright TechQuery <[email protected]> 2017-2018
const Path = require('path'), FS = require('fs-extra');
* **Config namespace** of this plugin
* @namespace config
* @property {string} [config.sourcePath="source/"] - Path of
* the **Source directory**
* @property {string} [config.testPath="test/"] - Path of
* the **Test directory**
* @property {boolean} [config.overWrite=true] - Overwrite existed
* test scripts or not
* @property {string} [config.hookModule] - Path of Node.JS Module
* contained **Hook method**
* @example // Merge those options below to your JSDoc `config.json`
* {
* "plugins": ["node_modules/test-example"],
* "test-example": {
* "sourcePath": "path/to/source/directory",
* "testPath": "path/to/test/directory",
* "overWrite": false,
* "hookModule": "path/to/plugin/hook"
* }
* }
const config = Object.assign(
sourcePath: 'source/',
testPath: 'test/',
overWrite: true
TestScript = require('./TestFile');
const hook = config.hookModule && require(
Path.join(process.cwd(), config.hookModule)
var file;
exports.handlers = {
beforeParse: function (event) {
file = new TestScript(event.filename, config.sourcePath, config.testPath);
for (var handler in hook) file.on(handler, hook[ handler ]);
if (! /\s*define\(/.test( event.source ))
`var ${file.ID} = require('${file.sourceURI}')`
newDoclet: function(event) {
file.addUnit( event.doclet );
fileComplete: function (event) {
if ((! file[0]) || (
FS.existsSync( file.testURI ) && (! config.overWrite)
FS.outputFileSync(file.testURI, file + '');
console.log(`\n\t[Test script] ${file.testURI}\n`);